SBIR A08-007
High-power Integrated RF Switches
for Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS)
NEED & CUSTOMER REQUIREMENTNeed: Compact multi-pole, multi-throw switches that can operate with excellent performance up to high power levels Value to the Warfighter: Lower loss and better isolation contribute to increased battery life and better quality communication Operational Gap: Current GaAs and PIN solutions suffer from power handling, breakdown voltage, DC control lines, size, and temperature stability limitations Customer Specifications: Multi-pole, multi-throw configurations (SPDT, SP4T, & SP5T)
Technology Description: GaN provides high-voltage handling, temperature stability, and high reliability. The use of silicon substrate dramatically reduces the cost |
SPONSORSHIP of ORIGINAL SBIR TOPICSYSCOM: CERDEC Transition Target: JTRS Original Sponsoring Program: JTRS TPOC Contact: |
TECHNOLOGY TRANSITION OPPORTUNITIES (PHASE III)Other Potential Applications: Technology will be capable of enhancing all communication systems and supporting all branches of the US Armed Forces, including radar Business Model: Auriga will sell MMICs to Primes for integration into their systems. Deliverables can be optimized for their specific application Objective: Auriga’s solution should appeal to Primes requiring high-performance, low-cost switches. The design can be customized and optimized for power handling and pole/throw configuration. Auriga would like to engage with Primes, program managers, acquisition officers, etc. to discuss individual system needs at an unclassified or secret level |